GUSTAV HOLST (1874-1934): 6 Songs, Op. 15, Cradle Song, Op. 16/5, 4 Songs, Op. 4, The Willow Tree, H.83/6, Abroad as I was walking, H.83/1, 4 Songs for Voice and Violin, Op. 35, Darest Thou Now O Soul, H.72, RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1872-1958): Along the Field for Voice and Violin, A Cradle Song, Blake’s Cradle Song, Bushes and Briars, The Lark in the Morning, The Captain’s Apprentice, Darest Thou Now O Soul. Fourteen world premiere recordings.

Catalogue Number: 11V042
Label: Albion Records
Reference: ALBCD038
Format: CD
Price: $18.98
Description: Fourteen world premiere recordings - ten of works by Holst and four by Vaughan Williams in a recording that marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of The Ralph Vaughan Williams Society. Texts included. Mary Bevan (soprano), Roderick Williams (baritone), Jack Liebeck (violin), William Vann (piano).