OSKAR MERIKANTO (1868-1924): Valse lente, Op. 33, Scherzo, Op. 6/4, Summer Evening Waltz, Op. 1, 4 Finnish Folk Songs, Op. posth., ERKKI MELARTIN (1875-1937): Splinters II, Op. 9, SELIM PALMGREN (1878-1951): Finnish Rhythms, Op. 31, Prelude, Op. 1/1, Berceuse, Illusion, Op. 1/2, One Night in Summer, LEEVI MADETOJA (1887-1947): In the Evening, Op. 21/1, Prelude, Op. 31/2, ILMARI HANNIKAINEN (1892-1955): Autumn Thoughts, Op. 20/1, Valse, Op. 17/1, Nocturne, Op. 11b/2, Berceuse, Op. 4/2, Evening’s Calm, Op. 11b/1, JEAN SIBELIUS (1865-1957): Etude, Op. 76/2, Scène romantique, Op. 101/5, Columbine, Op. 85/4, Elegiaco, Op. 76/10.

Catalogue Number: 11V038
Label: Centaur
Reference: CRC 3732
Format: CD
Price: $16.98
Description: Finnish Romantic piano pieces from the well-known to the unknown (especially Hannikainen). Gail Olszewski (1877 Blüthner piano).