JACQUES OFFENBACH (1819-1880): Symphonic Music and Ballets from Orphée aux Enfers - Ouverture, Le Royaume de Neptune (L’Atlantide) (World Premiere Recording), Ballet pastoral, Divertissement des songes et des heures, Ouverture de concert (arr. Carl Binder [1816-1860]).

Catalogue Number: 11V028
Label: CPO
Reference: 555 301-2
Format: CD
Price: $16.98
Description: The present album offers the orchestral numbers and ballet inserts composed for the version of Orphée in 1874. The rediscovery of the magnificent half-hour long ballet Le Royaume de Neptune is due to its being found in an old storage box by Jean-Christophe Keck, editor of Bote & Bock’s Offenbach Edition. Deutsches-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin; Howard Griffiths.