WITOLD LUTOSLAWSKI (1913-1994): Little Suite, 10 Polish Dances, Dance Preludes, Jeux Vénitiens, Chain I, Slides for 11 Soloists.
Catalogue Number: 11Q066
Label: Dux
Reference: 0949b
Format: CD
Price: $18.98
Description: Early, neo-classical Lutoslawski is the reason we offer this disc: both the 1950 Little Suite and the 1953 Polish Dances are based on authentic folk dances from specific regions in Poland (Rzeszów for the former and Silesia and Kaszuby for the latter if you wanted to know) and are probably the most conservative orchestral pieces the composer ever wrote. Neither is currently available on CD. Ditto for the 1988 Slides (the title refers to projected photo transparencies), a three-minute work written for Elliott Carter's 80th birthday which is, well, a bit more approachable than Elliott Carter. New Music Orchestra; Szymon Bywalec.