ANTON HEILLER (1923-1979): Tanz-Toccata, Kleine Partita über das Dänische Lied "Den klare sol går ned", Passacaglia, Kleine Partita "Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen", Verleih uns Freiden gnädiglich, Som lilliens hjerte kan holder I grøde, Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele: Vorspiel, Choral, Nachspiel, Vorspiel, Zwischenspiel und Nachspiel from Vesper, Jubilatio, Orgelsatz: "Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen".
Catalogue Number: 11P065
Label: Loft Recordings
Reference: LRCD-1116
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
Description: If you know Heiller at all it will probably be for his Bach recordings in the 50s on Vanguard but he was a conductor and composer as well. The works chosen here are from the 1940s and late 70s, thus cutting out his dodecaphonic period so, generally, we have traditional stylistic works with a hint of modern harmonies from the 40s and a much more modern, sharper sounding style from the 70s, with one piece - 1970s Tanz-Toccata - which ought to be a concert hit for its rhythmic urgency and rock-'n-rollish vitality. Mark Steinbach (Beckerath organ of St. Paul's Cathedral, Pittsburgh, PA).