ROMUALD TWARDOWSKI (b.1930): Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.

Catalogue Number: 11K098

Label: Acte Préalable

Reference: AP0193

Format: CD

Price: $16.98

Description: The fact that a Polish Roman Catholic was commissioned to write and did produce an example of the highest form of the Orthodox liturgy excited much comment in Ukraine. Testamonies to his success by the Archbishop of Chersonesos and Taurica and two other experts in the field are included in the booklet. Very few collectors specialize in this repertoire but those of you who do will see this as a remarkable and unusual addition to the canon (it appears to use a 19th century Ukrainian version of Church Slavonic rather than the typical Old Church Slavonic of Russian compositions). Petro Hrekov (bass), Roman Puchko (tenor), Kyiv Chamber Choir; Mykola Hobdych.


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