ROMUALD TWARDOWSKI (b.1930): Violin Concerto (Zenon Brzewski Warsaw String Orchestra; Andrzej Gebski [violin]), Piano Concerto No. 1 (Joanna Lawrynowicz [piano], Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic Orchestra, Bialystok; Wojciech Rajski), Hebraic Melodies for Clarinet and Orchestra (Romuald Golebiowski [clarinet], Elsner Youth Symphony Orchestra; Piotr Wajrak), 3 excerpts from the Ballet The Naked Prince (Aarhus Symphony Orchestra; Karol Stryja).

Catalogue Number: 11K096
Label: Acte Préalable
Reference: AP0179
Format: CD
Price: $16.98
Description: A disc covering practically all of Twardowski's composing career demonstrates his attunement to the concertante work, seeming to know instinctively how to write gorgeous, attractive music which is challenging yet eminently playable for the soloist and instantly appealing to the audience. The violin concerto is only two years old; the Hebraic Melodies from 1977 and using original themes throughout its 12-minute length. The piano concerto originally dated from 1956 and its score was left behind in Vilnius when the composer moved to Poland. He decided to reconstitute it for the soloist here in 2007 and we have a 20-minute, single-movement work in sonata form full of richly approachable and virtuosic music while the three short excerpts from a 1960 ballet (with a Prokofievian march as a conclusion) are presented in a historical recording from "the 1960s" according to the notes but given as "January 1982" in the colophon.