SÁNDOR KUTI (1908-1945): Serenade for String Trio, Sonata for Violin Solo, LASZLO WEINER (1916-1944): Duo for Violin and Viola, GYÖRGY JUSTUS (1898-1945): Jazz Suite for Piano, PÁL BUDAI (?-1944-45?): 5 Dances from the Ballet Doll Doctor for 2 Pianos, SÁNDOR VÁNDOR (1901-1945): Air for Cello and Piano, ELEMÉR GYULAI (1904-1945): Lullaby for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano, Air for Piano.

Catalogue Number: 11K094
Label: Hungaroton
Reference: HCD 32597
Format: CD
Price: $19.98
Description: The first collection we've seen of music by Hungarian victims of the Holocaust, this release contains unusually lengthy and detailed notes about these six composers (more poorly translated than usual, but readable), all of whom followed the Bartók-Kódaly tradition (and who in Hungary didn't in the 20s and 30s?) although Justus' suite is plainly indebted to Stravinsky and, perhaps, to Weill. Vilmos Szabadi (violin), Péter Bársony (viola), Ditta Rohmann (cello), Márta Gulyás (piano), Emese Mali (second piano), Bernadett Wiedemann (mezzo).