ÆMILIAN ROSENGART (1757-1810): Veni Sancte Spiritus, Tristes erant apostoli, Magnificat V, Veni Creator Spiritus, Ave Maria, Hostis Herodes, Rorate coeli, Iste confessor Domini, Christe redemptor omnium, Cantate Domino, Tenebrae factae sunt, Lauda Sion, Qua vocat me, Ave maris stella, Te Deum.

Catalogue Number: 11K034
Label: Carus
Reference: 83.427
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
Description: A monastic composer of the South German late baroque, Rosengart wrote sacred music as vivid and colorful as the decoration of his church, using trumpets and timpani to extra effect in the Te Deum, the largest-scale work here. Orpheus Vocal Ensemble, Ars Antiqua Austria; Jürgen Essl (organ).