AHMED ADNAN SAYGUN (1907-1991): Piano Concertos No. 1, Op. 34 and No. 2, Op. 71.

Catalogue Number: 11K007

Label: CPO

Reference: 777 289

Format: CD

Price: $15.98

Description: Although separated by almost 30 years (1951-57 and 1985), both of these concertos show the influence of Bartók in their assimilation of folk music elements (and both have very Bartókian "night music" slow movements) but both also reveal the wide-open spaces feel of Grieg in his own folk-music mode and the gorgeous orchestration of Ravel. The first movements are much longer than the other two and allow Saygun's amazing and fertile imagination to range widely in a profusion of melodies and their original, rhapsodic approach to form. Much more immediately approachable than some of his symphonies, these concertos ought to be regarded as monuments of their genre in the 20th century. Gülsin Onay (piano), Bilkent Symphony Orchestra; Howard Griffiths.


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