LERA AUERBACH (b.1973): Piano Trio, JOAN TOWER (b.1938): Trio Cavany, JENNIFER HIGDON (b.1962): Piano Trio, STACY GARROP (b.1969): Seven, LAURA ELISE SCHWENDINGER (b.1962): C' è la Luna Questa Sera?,AUGUSTA READ THOMAS (b.1964): Moon Jig.
Catalogue Number: 10N090
Label: Cedille
Reference: CDR 90000 126
Format: CD
Price: $16.98
Description: Tower's 19-minute trio, the largest work here, is again the main event in terms of its maturity of form, control and utterance, somewhat more abstract than her richly romantic Purple Rhapsody offered elsewhere this month, but still quite compelling. Higdon's two-movement trio plays with the still rather rare idea of color as music or vice versa: "Pale Yellow" and "Fiery Red" are its titles with the radiant A major of the former offering a gorgeous, calm, flowing and lyrical melody, and "Red" being all together more violent and dissonant. Auerbach's (1992-1996) work is centered around a sad, deeply felt Andante and Garrop's may be the only work you'll hear in a while inspired both by a Star Trek Next Generation character (Seven of Nine) and by a poem in which the speaker longs for death. Lincoln Trio.