PETER WARLOCK (1894-1930): The full heart, Ha'nacker Mill, The night, My own country, 3 dirges of John Webster, As dew in Aprylle, The five lesser joys of Mary, The rich cavalcade, The birds, Corpus Christi, Benedicamus Domino, Adam lay ybounden, 3 carols, I saw a fair maiden, Carillon carilla, Benneth Nadelik ha'n Bledhan Nowedh, Where riches is everlastingly, Bethlehem Down, What cheer? Good cheer!, A Cornish Christmas Carol.

Catalogue Number: 08Q053
Label: Naxos
Reference: 8.573227
Format: CD
Price: $11.98
Description: Recordings of Warlock's choral works are rarer than those of his songs and the former range from hymns to the Virgin to carols, many spiced with his own "melody of chords" and typically tangy harmonies. The compression of the notes is amazing: every item covered in two pages but they assume substantial aquaintance with the composer and his circle. And texts really would have been anything but a luxury - even if only on-line. No texts. Rachel Haworth (organ - 8 songs), The Carice Singers; George Parris.