JACQUES CASTÉRÈDE (1926-2014): Complete Works for Flute, Vol. 3 - 5 Bagatelles for 4 Flutes, Chant de solitude for 2 Pianos, Trumpets, Flutes and Violins, 12 Études for Solo Flute, Divertimento a quattro for Flute, Piano, Double Bass and Percussion.

Catalogue Number: 07W056
Label: Naxos
Reference: 8.574155
Format: CD
Price: $11.98
Description: This third and final volume presents witty neo-Classicism in the Bagatelles, and the composer’s delight in popular music with the post-Debussian Études, works that are both communicative and vibrant. In the Divertimento we meet the composer at his most compulsively subversive, as an expert melodist, harmonist and contrapuntalist, in music as zany as it is disarming. Cobus de Toit (flutes) and 16 other performers.