ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810-1856): Piano Quartet in C Minor (ed. and suppl. Joachim Draheim {b.1950]), FERDINAND THIERIOT (1838-1919): Piano Quartet in E Flat, Op. 30.
Catalogue Number: 07Q049
Label: CPO
Reference: 777 843-2
Format: CD
Price: $15.98
Description: Schumann was still only 18 when he left unfinished this early piano quartet. The first version of Draheim's new edition was offered in these pages in August 2006 (on MD&G - 08I039) and the editor has now had access to further sources, including Schumann's sketchbook (the Studienbücher), and has produced a more complete performing version. An even older recording (on Zephyr - 11F043) makes use of an error-ridden and source-poor 1979 edition by Wolfgang Boetticher. So the major work for many may be the 1875 Thieriot which bursts with memorable melodies and high spirits in a very Mendelssohian manner until Schumann makes an appearance via the finale of his piano concerto in the final movement. An important find in the genre of the Romantic piano quartet. Valentin Piano Quartet.