MATTHIAS WECKMANN (c.1617-1674): Complete Organ Works - Praeambulum primi toni a 5, Magnificat secundi toni, Gelobet seist du, Jesus Christ, Ach wir armen Sünder, Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, Fantasia ex D, Fuga ex D primi toni pedaliter, Kom, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott, Gott sei gelobet und begenedeiet, Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein, O lux beata Trinitas.

Catalogue Number: 07Q014

Label: CPO

Reference: 777 873-2

Format: SACD hybrid

Price: $31.98

Description: Weckmann's contrapuntally complex works also often stretch harmony to the limits while revealing an unusually close relation between music and the words of the chorales. No electric wind system for this restored 18th century organ - two human beings operate the bellows, producing a different, unmistakably historical sound. 2 CDs. Friedhelm Flamme (Johann Patroclus Müller organ of Abteikirche Marienmünster).


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