JOHANN GOTTLIEB GOLDBERG (1727-1756): Durch die herzliche Barmherzigkeit, Der 12.Psalm: Herr, die heiligen haben abgenommen, JOHANN LUDWIG KREBS (1713-1780): Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn, JOHANN LUDWIG BACH (1677-1731): Missa brevis super "Allein Gott in der Höh' sei ehr".

Catalogue Number: 07O032

Label: Ricercar

Reference: RIC 317

Format: CD

Price: $18.98

Description: Goldberg's two cantatas, rich in the characteristics of his teacher Bach's late style, probably date from the composer's mid-teens when he was studying with the master). Johann Ludwig's was attributed to J.S. (as were many other of his works), telling you what you need to know about it stylistically while Krebs demonstrates his love for polyphony and contrapuntal workmanship along with passages of Italianate galanterie. German-English texts. Sophie Karthäuser (soprano), Marianne Vliegen (alto), Stephan Van Dyck (tenor), Lieven Termont (baritone), Ex Tempore; Florian Heyerik.


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