VINKO GLOBOKAR (b.1934): Der Engel der Geschichte (Southwest German Symphony Orchestra Baden-Baden and Freiburg; Fabrice Bollon and Martyn Brabbins, Experimental Studio of the SWR Freiburg; Reinhold Braig and Joachim Hass [audio engineering and sound direction]), Les Otages (Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra; Arturo Tamayo).

Catalogue Number: 07K114

Label: col legno

Reference: WWE 2 SACD 20609

Format: CD

Price: $37.98

No Longer Available

Description: 'The Angel of History' is based on Walter Benjamin's commentary on Paul Klee's 'Angelus Novus'. The idea behind it is that, seen from the perspective of the future, our present and past might appear as a single, growing pile of wreckage, the debris of history. The composer presents his work as a musical allegory of the political and social upheavals of the recent past. The resources employed are considerable; in addition to two orchestras, frequently set in opposition to each other, there is extensive use of pre-recorded sounds and electronic transformation of instrumental sounds; the former includes folk musics from regions of the former Yugoslavia, underscoring the turmoil of that region, especially pertinent to Globokar's argument. The music is a mosaic of angular fragments, often incorporating the level of alternative playing techniques familiar to Globokar in his own performing career as avant-garde trombonist, and the electronically enhanced textures are a continuous backdrop to the musical flotsam with which we are constantly bombarded. 'Hostages' is a work for orchestra with additional electronic sounds; even more than 'Angel', this work presents a nightmarish landscape of clotted, dense and aggressive sonorities, suggesting ragged breathing, menacing footsteps, suspense and overt violence. 2 CDs.


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