Ancerl conducts - Prague Spring 1968 BEDRICH SMETANA (1824-1884): Ma Vlast (May 12, 1968), LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827): Violin Conceto in D, Op. 61 (Henryk Szeryng [violin]. May 28, 1966).

Catalogue Number: 07K102
Label: Supraphon
Reference: SU 7015-9
Format: DVD
Price: $25.98
Description: Four months after the reformist Alexander Dubcek came to power and instituted a series of liberalizing reforms, known since as "The Prague Spring", Ancerl conducted Smetana's tone poem, which usually opened the Prague Spring music festival. This must have still been a time of euphoria among Czech citizens and viewers and listeners can interpret this filmed performance as they please. Of course, Warsaw Pact soldiers and armor invaded Czechoslovakia on Aug. 21 of the same year, making this a unique musical window into an exciting moment of Cold War history. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra; Karel Ancerl.