ALAN HOVHANESS (1911-2000): Symphony No. 63, Op. 411 "Loon Lake", Guitar Concerto No. 2, Op. 394, Fanfare for the New Atlantis, Op. 281

Catalogue Number: 07K085
Label: Naxos
Reference: 8.559336
Format: CD
Price: $11.98
Description: Hovhaness fans will enjoy this collection of first recordings selected by his widow who also supplied the liner notes. The concerto (1985) has three dance-like movements out of its four, typically using non-European sounding themes although they are all Hovhaness' own creations while his symphony (1988) is a two-movement work, full of nostalgia for the New Hampshire countryside which the composer used to visit in his youth, which contains themes based on the calls of the hermit thrush and the loon. Javier Calderón (guitar), Royal Scottish National Orchestra; Stewart Robinson.