CHARLES TOURNEMIRE (1870-1939): Pièce symphonique, Op. 16, 10 pièces (dans le style libre), Adagio, Op. 19/1, Improvisations of Tournemire's, notated and reconstructed by MAURICE DURUFLÉ (1902-1986): Improvisation sur le "Te Deum", Fantaisie-Improvisation sur l"Ave Maris stella", Choral-Improvisation sur le "Victimae paschali", Petite rhapsodie improvisée, Cantilène improvisée.

Catalogue Number: 07K060
Label: MD&G
Reference: 946 1514-6
Format: CD
Price: $19.98
Description: The mystical nature of Tournemire's mature organ works is best exemplified by his massive cycle L'Orgue Mystique but this release offers something even less well-known: five improvisations, three on Gregorian chants, which his student Duruflé transcribed in 1958 from recordings made by his teacher in 1930/31. Much more chromatic than the modality present in his composed works, they show the depth of tradition inherited from Franck. They are preceded here by the chant itself, so that these five pieces account for 41 of the 79 minutes on the disc. The other pieces are quite rare too - early works from around 1900 - are in the Franckian tradition although the harsh tone colors of the Pièce symphonique are harbingers of Tournemire's mature style. Schola der Berliner Domkantorei, Andreas Sieling (organ of Berliner Dom). SACD 2+2+2 hybrid.