JAMES NARES (1715-1783): 8 Sets of Lessons for Harpsichord, GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL (1685-1759): Suite in D Minor, HWV 447.

Catalogue Number: 07K022
Label: Avie
Reference: AV2152
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
Description: Although unknown to us, Nares still rated a full page in the next-to-most recent Grove, primarily for his anthems. These Lessons (1747) are in what the soloist here describes as "Anglo-Scarlatti" style, part of a flood of English keyboard compositions inspired by Scarlatti's torrential runs, daredevil handcrossings and erratic passagework which arrived with the London publication of his Essercizii in 1739. Julian Perkins (harpsichords).