NILS HENRIK ASHEIM (b.1960): Navigo, Broken Line, Nicht, Chase.
Catalogue Number: 05I108
Label: Aurora
Reference: ACD 5044
Format: CD
Price: $18.98
Description: These works share an emphasis on texture and sonority; in fact the 'performed' pieces are separated by improvised composer-supervised exercises in instrumental noise textures. The composer is an improvising performer and specialises in spatial and theatrical collaborations, so unsurprisingly, the works here suggest the acoustic components of a variety of 'sound installations'. Broken Line is rich and sonorous, with pointillistic elements alternating with thick but muted cluster chords. Nicht sets three poems by Kandinsky, against a glittering, constantly active backdrop, ingeniously emulating the painter's teeming, image-filled quasi-abstract designs. Chase is more fragmentary, and more active than Navigo, and sounds like an assemblage of randomly chosen fragments from more conventional allegro writing for small string ensembles. Intriguing material for the experimentally-minded. Vertavo String Quartet and friends.