PETER WISHART (1921-1984): Opheis kai Klimakes, Op. 35, Partita in F Sharp, Op. 10, Sonata for Piano Duet in B, Op. 5, CONSTANT LAMBERT (1905-1951): Prize Fight for Piano Duet, Suite in 3 (continuous) Movements.
Catalogue Number: 05I080
Label: Priory
Reference: PRCD 881
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
Description: This valuable release celebrates a significant, neglected British composer of the mid-20th century yes, another one! Wishart was a meticulous and precise composer with neoclassical inclinations and a gift for counterpoint. Snakes and Ladders is the most significant work in his small output for piano; six movements incorporating fugues, a somewhat Beethovenian scherzo and an ingenious finale, rigorously structured while introducing unexpected splashes of color in the form of allusions to Scottish dances and Pibroch. This sense of finely judged structural integrity also applies to the droll, acerbic Partita. Wishart's economy of gesture and bittersweet harmonic sense suggest a certain affinity with Alan Bush, here and there throughout the works. Mark Tanner (piano), Allan Schiller (duet pianist).