HENRI SAUGUET (1901-1989): Complete Music for Guitar - Cadence, 3 Préludes, 6 Pièces faciles for Flute and Guitar, Musiques pour Claudel Nos. 1 & 2, Soliloque, Révérence à Johann Sebastian Bach for Cello and Guitar.

Catalogue Number: 04R062
Label: Brilliant Classics
Reference: 95168
Format: CD
Price: $7.98
Description: Sauguet only began composing music for the guitar in 1958 with Soliloque, a vibrant, emotionally charged piece in which tonality and modality intermingle with chromaticism, and continued with the elegant harmonic solutions of the Préludes of 1970 and the subtle and expressive neo‐modality of Musiques pour Claudel in 1973. The Pièces faciles (1975) are more frivolous in nature but evocative, with memorable melodic themes. Alfonso Baschiera (guitar), Federica Lotti (flute), Nicola Boscaro (cello).