OTHMAR SCHOECK (1886-1957): Complete Violin Sonatas - in D, Op. 16, in E, Op. 46 and in D, WoO 22.

Catalogue Number: 04R055
Label: Brilliant Classics
Reference: 95292
Format: CD
Price: $7.98
Description: A budget-priced new recording for anyone who still doesn’t know these appealing conservative sonatas: the Op. 16 sonata (from 1909) boils with the turbulent emotions of young love (written for violinist Stefi Geyer who also bewitched Bartók); it's the sonata Schumann might have written for Clara if they'd lived at the turn of the century. The sonata without opus number (1905 but revised in 1953) is still rooted in 19th century Romanticism although not as heated as its successor. From 1931, the E major sonata is constructed along cooler, more neo-Classical lines but a pulse of underlying Romanticism is still evident. Maristella Patuzzi (violin), Mario Patuzzi (piano).