IGNAZ PLEYEL (1757-1831): Hidden Gems, Vol. 2 - Symphony in B, Ben 1493, Violin Concerto in C, Ben 1106, Viola Concerto in D, Ben 105 (all World Premiere Recordings).

Catalogue Number: 04R035
Label: Ars Produktion
Reference: ARS 38 199
Format: SACD hybrid
Price: $18.98
Description: The Pleyel just keeps on coming from Ars Produktion with a big, 32-minute viola concerto from 1790, a tidy little 16-minute violin concertro from 1795 and an 18-minute (but still with four movements) symphony from 1786 - all in Mozartian/late Haydneque style. Cornelia Löscher (violin), Robert Bauerstatter (viola), Camerata pro Musica; Christian Birnbaum.