GEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL (1685-1759): 6 Organ Concertos, Op. 4 (arr. Samuel de Lange [1840-1911]).

Catalogue Number: 04R021
Label: MD&G
Reference: 317 1929-3
Format: CD
Price: $18.98
Description: We’ve recently had these concertos played on piano so why not late Romantic transcriptions devoid of anything but ultra-Romanticism? de Lange created these versions as vehicles for big Romantic organs, inventing extra voices and adding extensive cadenzas at marked ad lib. points in Handel’s score while providing precise indications for the use of the manuals, dynamics and agogics. 2 CDs for the price of 1. Rudolf Innig (1899 Furtwängler & Hammer organ of St. Nicolai, Lüneberg).