WITOLD MALISZEWSKI (1873-1939): Symphony No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 14, Piano Concerto in B Flat Minor, Op. 27.

Catalogue Number: 04R001
Label: Dutton Epoch
Reference: CDLX 7325
Format: SACD hybrid
Price: $18.98
Description: Although now thought of as a Polish composer, Maliszewski was born in Ukraine, studied under Rimsky-Korsakov and was a member of the Belayev circle before moving to Poland in 1921. This symphony dates from 1907 and, while not sumptuously exotic in color like his teacher’s works, it will here and there make you think of Borodin and Tchaikovsky, the latter especially in the balletic quality of the third movement Theme and Variations while the finale often sounds like a Glazunov scherzo is threatening to break out. In brief, a symphony Russian to the core. The 1938 concerto on the other hand (a couple of hard-to-find Polish performances existed on LP) breathes the air of Paris between the wars - a heady and sparkling mix of neo-classicism and romanticism (the deadly serious opening chords are there to fool you for a minute or two) that is transparently orchestrated, with lighter textures and an expanded percussion section to enrich its palette. Peter Donohoe (piano), Royal Scottish National Orchestra; Martin Yates. Peter Donohoe (piano), Royal Scottish National Orchestra; Martin Yates.