RONALD CORP (b.1951): String Quartets No. 1 "The Bustard" and No. 2, Country Matters for Tenor and String Quartet.

Catalogue Number: 04M084
Label: Naxos
Reference: 8.572578
Format: CD
Price: $11.98
Description: "While he is more familiar for his vocal music and as a conductor, Ronald Corp's two string quartets, together with his entertaining Country Matters for tenor and string trio, make for a varied programme. The First Quartet, which draws its inspiration from the character and habitat of that noble bird the bustard, is, like its companion piece, well made and securely in an English tradition voiced with supple energy. "The Telegraph" March 5, 2011. You'll find a combination of absolute and program music in both quartets (the second celebrates a child's birth); and the review above isn't kidding about Country Matters - you may especially like the fourth song which deals with vegetables in revolt. Yes, revolt. Maggini Quartet, Mark Wilde (tenor).