IANNIS XENAKIS (1922-2001): Psappha for Solo Percussion, Omega for Percussion and Orchestra (Ensemble FA; Dominique My), Kassandra for Percussion and Bass (Nicholas Isherwood [bass]), Rebonds A & B for Solo Percussion, GERARD PAPE (b.1955): Funeral Sentences for Percussion and Voice (Janet Pape, Armelle Orieux [sopranos]), YOSHIHISA TAÏRACARLOS ROQUE ALSINA (b.1940): Themen for Percussion and String Orchestra (Ensmble Musique Aujourd'hui; Jean-Marie Adrien), EDMUND CAMPION (b.1957): Losing Touch for Vibraphone and Electronics, PIERRE JODLOWSKI (b.1971): MECANO 1 et 2 for Percussion and Motors, DARIUS MILHAUD (1892-1974): Concerto de chambre for Marimba and 9 Instruments (transcr. Alain Bancquart from Concerto for Marimba, Vibraphone and Orchestra), ALAIN BANCQUART (b.1934): Amourgrand terrible champ crtique for Percussion and Electronics, KAREN TANAKA (b.1961): Metallic Cristal for Percussion and Electronics, ROLAND AUZET (b.1964): OROC.Pat for Zarb and Live Electronics.

Catalogue Number: 03J115
Label: Mode
Reference: 189/92
Format: CD
Price: $84.98
Description: The biggest and most lavishly presented set of percussion music we're ever likely to offer, this includes three full-length CDs, a 25 minute DVD (Xenakis' Psappha and Rebonds A & B) and a book titled "Gesture and Spirit" in both French and English (you turn it upside down to switch languages at the middle) consisting of 200 pages of interviews with the percussionist who performs here, 54 pages of notes on the works recorded here and an 8-page afterword (double the number of pages for the French version and you see how huge this thing is). Due to the shape of the book (5.25" x 7.5"), the three CDs are packaged in a DVD-size container as is, of course, the DVD. Roland Auzet (percussion). 3 CDs. 1 DVD.