Donaueschinger Musiktage 2006 - Vol. 3 MARTIN SMOLKA (b.1959): Semplice for Old and New Instruments, WOLFGANG MITTERER (b.1958): inwendig losgelöst for Baroque Orchestra, Ensemble and Electronics.

Catalogue Number: 03J113

Label: Neos

Reference: 10726

Format: CD

Price: $19.98

No Longer Available

Description: To quote Smolka on the ingredients of Semplice: "… hocket, C major chord, microtone deviation as well as repetition … open strings, natural harmonics and nontempered tones of natural horns … metal percussion rid of its metallic character with water and melodies rid of … cantability with microtiones and … silence. Patience and a comfortable seat are necessary." That would appear to be about right. Mitterer's work, which means 'Inwardly detached' consists of an ensemble playing passages of Telemann, which are then electronically manipulated and played back and also overlain by the contemporary ensemble playing gestures of the type that on might be more accustomed to hearing in Donaueschingen, while a keyboard player plays broken chords, arpeggios and scales on a synthesizer which sounds like a harpsichord, except with vaiable pitch and dynamic control. This proceeds for a little more than 20 minutes. ensemble recherche, Freiburg Baroque Orchestra; Lucas Vis.


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