CHRISTOPHER FOX (b.1955): Straight lines in broken times, Etwas lebhaft, Themes and Variations, Reeling.

Catalogue Number: 03J110

Label: Metier

Reference: MSV CD92081

Format: CD

Price: $16.98

Description: Characteristically eclectic and typically wide-ranging works employing a huge diversity of styles from a composer who seems determined to be identified with no particular school or compositional movement. Fox makes free use of a wide array of contemporary techniques, including quarter-tone and microtonal tunings, harmonic spectra and extended playing techniques. For all the overall divergence from anything resembling conventional tonal music, Fox constantly incorporates some element which acts as a kind of anchor - repetition, a tonal-sounding melodic gesture, or a distinct pulse - as in the harmonically very unconventional, microtonal Etwas Lebhaft. Themes and Variations is a kind of celebration of all the possibilities of modern small-ensemble music, and references Cage and Feldman, as well as Satie and 2nd-Viennese-ism, but despite its eclecticism it sounds less difficult than it is, if that makes sense, with some movements openly referring to tonal, melodic models. Straight Lines sounds like a cross between minimalism and the kind of music the minimalists were consciously rejecting; its repeated, overlapping lines have the drive of minimalism, but the elements used are more fragmented and the result has none of the comforting consonance of the equivalent type of minimal composition. Ives Ensemble.


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