The Red Baton - Scenes of musical life in Stalinist Russia (55 min.), Gennadi Rozhdestvensky: Conductor or Conjuror? (55 min.), ALFRED SCHNITTKE (1934-1998): Suite from the film Dead Souls, SERGEI PROKOFIEV (1891-1953): Zdravitsa.

Catalogue Number: 03J107
Label: Ideale Audience International
Reference: 3073498
Format: CD
Price: $23.98
Description: Bruno Monsaingeon makes interesting and gripping documentaries and these two are no exception, especially the first, dealing with the paradox of a totalitarian state nurturing a vast pool of artistic talent. Symphony Capella Orchestra and Choir of Russia; Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. Symphony Capella Orchestra and Choir of Russia; Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. 4:3 format. English subtitles. NTSC, region 0.