JOHANN SCHRAMMEL (1850-1893): Der Schwalbe Gruß (instrumental and vocal versions), Morgengruß, Das letzte Glöcklein, FERDINAND LEICHT: I und der Mond, ALOIS STROHMAYER (1822-1890): Tanz in B Minor, CARL RIEDER: Wann i amal stirb, FRIEDRICH CERHA (b.1926): Wenn der Puls der Frau Schulz, Der Wein, Haiku, VINZENZ STELZMÜLLER: Stelzmüller-Tänze, ARNOLD SCHOENBERG (1874-1951): Marsch, 9 excperts from Pierrot Lunaire, Op. 21, Tanzszene, Lied ohne Worte and Finale from Serenade, Op. 24.

Catalogue Number: 03J104

Label: col legno

Reference: WWE 1CD 20276

Format: CD

Price: $19.98

No Longer Available

Description: Recorded live, this unusual mixture of styles aims to prove that there was a lot of "Schrammelmusik" in early Schoenberg. The Austrian brothers Schrammel pioneered the quartet of two violins, guitar and clarinet for wine-house performances of popular songs in the mid-19th century and Cerha's three songs are included as 20th century offshoots of the same tradition (the other composers listed above contributed to the original Schrammelmusik genre). German-English texts. Jenny Renate Wicke, Walter Raffeiner (vocals), Klangforum Wien.


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