NICOLAE BRETAN (1887-1968): And if Branches Beat Against the Window, Cuckoo, Why Don't You Return?, The Reluctant Debt Payer, You Were Such a Knucklehead!, In Luxemburg Gardens, Where Mateless Poplars Grow, Summer Night, Gazel, Illusion, At the Window on the Sea, Come Down to the Sea, Moon, Moon, You Wily Star, On the Same Lane, At the Grave of Laie, And that Sweet Remorse, So Far Above!, Stars in the Sky.

Catalogue Number: 03J074

Label: Nimbus

Reference: NI 5809

Format: CD

Price: $18.98

Description: Any lover of Romantic song who doesn't know Bretan's compositions needs to buy this disc. Not only does Bretan (who composed throughout a life which included three decades as an operatic baritone), setting poetry in his native language, seem to erase the generic difference between "art song" and "folk song" in these sometimes stanzaic, sometimes through-composed pieces (including a huge ballad-like work of almost 200 lines taking 23 minutes to sing) which are full of beautiful melody and rich psychological awareness (also, of course, due the poets he sets), but the deep mezzo of Donose, a young and rising opera star singing in her own language, is pure aural delight in its own right. Romanian-English texts. Ruxandra Donose (mezzo), Julius Drake (piano).


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