FELIX MENDELSSOHN (1809-1847): Herr, sei gnädig, Trauergesang, Op. 116, 2 geistliche Männerchöre, Op. 115, O beata et benedicta, Te Deum, 3 Motets, Op. 39, 2 geistlische Lieder, Op. 112, Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt, Op. 69/2, Hebe deine Augen auf from Elijah, Op. 70.

Catalogue Number: 03J049

Label: Carus

Reference: 83.206

Format: CD

Price: $17.98

Description: These 1830s works, ranging from the Op. 115 male choir pieces to the Motets for female choir and organ to the geistliche Lieder for solo soprano and organ, remind us how much beautiful choral music Mendelssohn composed aside from well-known oratorios. German-English texts. Ruth Ziesak (soprano), Sonntraud Engels-Benz (organ), Stuttgart Chamber Choir; Frieder Bernius.


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