BERNHARD ROMBERG (1767-1841): Trauer-Symphonie auf den Tod der Königin Luise von Preußen in C Minor, Op. 23, Symphony No. 2 in E Flat, Op. 28, Symphony No. 3 in C, Op. 53.

Catalogue Number: 03J042
Label: Ars Produktion
Reference: ARS 38 026
Format: CD
Price: $18.98
Description: Were it not for the price, this would have been our cover item this month. These are full-scale Classical symphonies with all the drama and vigor one could want with the Trauer (1811) reminiscent of Kraus' own funeral symphony, the E flat a boisterous piece somewhere between late Haydn and Ries and the C major (probably the earliest - the opus numbers don't match composition dates which are unknown) closer to late Mozart. Cologne Academy; Michael Alexander Willens. SACD hybrid