CHRISTIAN CANNABICH (1731-1798): 6 excerpts from Les Fêtes du Seraïlles, SULTAN BAYAZIT HAN II (1481-1512): Nisabur Pesrev, ALI UFKI BEY (WOJCIECH BOBOWSKI) (1610-1675): Nevâ Ceng-i Harbi, Benefsezar Pesrev, SÂKIR AGA (1779-1840): Ferahnâk Türük Semâi, SULTAN SELIM HAN III (1761-1808): Sûz-i Dilârâ Beste, TANBURI MUSTAFA ÇAVUS (?-1745): Hisarbûselik Sarki, SERIF (17th cen.): Rast Pesrev, WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (1756-1791): 3 arias and a duet from Zaïde.

Catalogue Number: 03J029
Label: Ludi Musici
Reference: LM 002
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
Description: This brand-new label offers a striking, lavishly designed package which measures 5.5 x 10 inches and includes a bound-in, 68-page, full-color book in three languages with chapters "Orient-Occident", "Mythos Harem", "Meeting of Cultures" and "Turkish Classical Music". The CD contains 64 minutes of Turkish classical music, including pieces composed by a Pole who moved to Constantinople and went native, and a handful of improvisations by the Turkish Pera-Ensemble. A ten-minute interview with the Ensemble's director and with the German leader of l'arte del mondo fill out a truly unique look at the meeting of East and West in the 17th and 18th centuries. Stephanie Elliott (soprano), Georg Poplutz (tenor), Bekir Ünlüataer (voice), l'arte del mondo, Pera-Ensemble; Werner Ehrhardt.