PETER PHILIPS (c.1560-1628): Complete Keyboard Works, Vol. 2 - Fantasia in G, Ecco l'aurora Luca Marenzio à 5 in G, Pavana Anglica Thomas Tomkins in A Minor, Liquide perle amor (Marenzio) in G, Galliarda in G Minor, Amarilli di Julio Romano in G Minor, Tirsi di Luca Marenzio inE, Passamezzo Pavana & Galiarda Passamezzo in G Minor, Galiarde in G Minor, Pavana Pagget & Galiarda in C Minor, Fantasie in G (A. Striggio: Chi farà fede al Cielo), Madrigal Horatio Vechi "Se desio di fugir" in D Minor, Fantasie in D Minor.

Catalogue Number: 03J015
Label: MD&G
Reference: 341 1432-2
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
Description: Next to Byrd, the most published English composer of his period, Philips left a small amount of keyboard music notable, especially in his intabulations of current madrigals, for its fantastic ornamentation and dense figuration while his dance pieces are distinguished by their fine polyphonic balance. Siegbert Rampé (harpsichord, clavichord and organs of St. Andreaskirche, Soest-Sostönnen and of St. Stephanskirche Tangermünde).