LAMBERT DE SAYVE (1549-1614): Missa Dominus Regnavit a 16, Venite Exultemus a 12, De profundis clamavi a 10, Et ecce terrae motus a 9, Quod nova nupta a 6, O Sapientia a 7, Ave stella matutina a 5, Ave Maria a 8, GIOVANNI PRIULI (1575-1626): Canzona prima a 8, Sonata prima a 8, Canzona prima a 6, GIOVANNI GABRIELI (1554/7-1612): Canzona primi toni a 10.

Catalogue Number: 03J014
Label: Etcetera
Reference: KTC 4022
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
No Longer Available
Description: In 1612 kapellmeister to the Holy Roman Emperor, De Sayve was one of the most significant members of the generation of Flemish composers after Lassus and de Monte. This recording offers several sacred and secular motets as well as a large-scale, polychoral mass full of color and massive chords. A period brass ensemble of trombones, cornets, dulcian (with violin and viola) performs in the mass as well as the interspersed canzone. Capilla Flamenca, Oltremontano; Wim Becu.