PAUL DUKAS (1865-1935): Overtures Goetz de Berlichingen and Le Roi Lear, Symphony in C Minor.

Catalogue Number: 03J007

Label: Sterling

Reference: CDS 1074-2

Format: CD

Price: $18.98

Description: With this new release Sterling moves from Swedish, German and Swiss Romanticism into French and brings us the first recordings of the only two surviving Dukas orchestral works yet to be set down. They are both concert overtures, both youthful works from the same year (1883) and both in the Lisztian fashion of not telling a story one can puzzle out while listening (although the storm in Lear is clear enough) but of sketching the characters of the titles (so the Goethe play about the German rogue knight of the 16th century may sound a bit more "Teutonic"). Goetz is 13:27 and Lear 22:17, making this a well-worthwhile acquisition for all collectors of Romantic tone poems. Württemburgische Philharmonie Reutlingen; Fabrice Bollon.


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