ALBERTO GINASTERA (1916-1983): Popol Vuh, Op. 44, Cantata para América Mágica for Soprano and Percussion Orchestra.

Catalogue Number: 02L096
Label: Neos
Reference: 10918
Format: CD
Price: $19.98
Description: Popol Vuh - "The Creation of the Mayan World" - left incomplete at Ginastera's death was first performed and recorded (on RCA) by Leonard Slatkin in 1993, now out of print. The cantata comes from 1960 (setting apocryphal but colorful "pre-Columbian" texts), during the composer's most avant-garde period and uses thirteen percussionists on fifty instruments to create its impression of a pre-Columbian world. Divine savagery is the theme that unites both works; one might consider Popol Vuh more tonal and easily approachable but, in the case of the cantata, how can fifty mostly unpitched percussion instruments produce tonal music? Sure to frighten the cats, piss off the wife and disturb the neighbors - especially if you have the full SACD surround apparatus! Spanish-English texts. Rayanne Dupuis (soprano), Bugallo-Williams Piano Duo, Ensemble S, Percussion Ensemble of the Musikhochschule Köln, Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra; Stefan Asbury.