MARCEL POOT (1901-1988): Sonatine, RAYMOND CHEVREUILLE (1901-1976): Sonatine, Op. 94, PIERRE SANCAN (1916-2008): Sonatine, MALCOLM ARNOLD (1921-2006): Sonatina, JOSEPH HOROVITZ (b.1926): Sonatina, NICOLAS BACRI (b.1961): Sonatina lirica, Op. 108/1, BOHUSLAV MARTINU (1890-1949): Sonatina.

Catalogue Number: 02L092
Label: Fuga Libera
Reference: FUG558
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
Description: Clarinet recitals have been coming regularly recently and this one combines the popular (Arnold, Martinu and Horovitz) with the undeservedly forgotten (Sancan's bright and cheerful 1963 piece) and three world premiere recordings: Poot's equally delightful and cheery one from 1965, Chevreuille's freely atonal but not unapproachable entry from 1970 and Bacri's attractive and lyrical new work from 2008. Ronald Van Spaendonck (clarinet), Éliane Reyes (piano).