HEITOR VILLA-LOBOS (1887-1959): Piano Trios Nos. 1-3, LORENZO FERNÃNDEZ (1897-1948): Trio Brasileiro.

Catalogue Number: 02L086
Label: Claves
Reference: 50-2916/17
Format: CD
Price: $33.98
Description: Villa-Lobos' trios are all early works: the first two date from 1911 and 1915, the latter the year of his first two string quartets. The influences he is processing are European Romanticism and French Impressionism. The Third comes from 1918 and, thus, the period when Brazilian popular music began to make its appearance in his music. Fernãndez' trio dates from 1924; less complex and refined than V-L, his use of folk music is bolder and more direct. This is very neglected but extremely enjoyable repertoire. 2 CDs. Damocles Trio.