ZOLTÁN KODÁLY (1882-1967): Complete Folksongs for Voice and Piano - Hungarian Folk Music I-XI, 5 Folksongs of the Mountain-Cheremiss, Hungarian Folksongs, 8 Little Duets.

Catalogue Number: 02L085
Label: Hungaroton
Reference: HCD 32257-9
Format: CD
Price: $59.98
Description: Kodály's ethnomusical treasures comprise 85 songs taking up 217 minutes in these recordings. Including all areas of historical Hungary, meaning parts of present-day Slovakia and Romania too, the composer published ten of his eleven volumes between 1924 nad 1932, the final one coming out in 1964. There are little idyllic scenes, songs for amusement, satires, love-songs, romances, game-songs and ballads and, on the last disc, several of Finnish origin (translated into Hungarian), Kodály being also quite interested in the "Finno" parts of the Finno-Ugric language and folk family. 3 CDs. Hungarian-English texts. Gábor Bretz (bass-baritone), Szabolcs Brickner (tenor), Júlia Hajnóczy, Anna Korondi (sopranos), Katalin Halmai (contralto), Andrea Meláth, Judit Németh, Berrnadett Wiedemann (mezzos), Gyula Orendt (baritone), Tamás Vásáry (piano), Emese Virág (piano - Hungarian Folksongs).