JOSEPH HAYDN (1732-1809): Opera at Eszterháza - 3 arias from La Circe, XXIII: 1a-c, arias from Infelice Sventurata, Hob. XXIVb:15 for Cimarosa's I due supposti Conti, Costretta a Piangere, XXIVb:1 (from a lost opera), Signor, voi sapete, XXIVb:7 for Pasquale Anfosi's Il Matrimonio per inganno, Solo e pensoso XXIVb:20 from Petrarch's Il canzoniere, Dice benissimo, XXIVb:5 for Salieri's La Scuola de' Gelosi, Da che penso a maritarmi, XXIVb:16 for Gassmann's L'amore artigiano, Se tu mi sprezzi, ingrata, XXIVb:14 for Sarti's I finti eredi, Tornate pur mia bella, XXIVb:22 for an unidentified opera, Begli occhi vezzosi, XXIVb:7 from Il mondo della luna (third version, for tenor), Ah, tu non senti - qual destra omicida, XXIVb:10 for Traetta's Ifigenia in Tauride.

Catalogue Number: 02L037
Label: BIS
Reference: SACD-1811
Format: CD
Price: $19.98
Description: Six insert arias for other composers' operas conducted by Haydn and tailored for his singers at Eszterháza are joined by a concert aria (from 1798) and two arias from lost and unknown operas by Haydn himself. Filling out this disc of fascinating rarities is the set of three original arias written for the pasticcio La Circe of 1789. All but one of these other arias date from the 1780s and from 1790. Italian-English texts. Miah Persson (soprano), Bernard Richter, Christoph Genz (tenors), Kirstin Chávez (mezzo), Iván Paley (baritone), Manfred Hemm (bass), Haydn Sinfonietta Wien; Manfred Huss.