NICOLAS RACOT DE GRANDVAL (1676-1753): La Matrone d'Ephèse, MARIN MARAIS (1656-1728): La Sonnerie de Ste Geneviève du Mont de Paris, PHILIPPE COURBOIS (1705-1730): Dom Quichotte, MICHEL CORRETTE (1707-1795): Concerti comiques V "La Femme est un grand embarras" and XXIV "La Marche du Huron", PIERRE DE LA GARDE (1717-c.1792): La Sonate.

Catalogue Number: 02L021
Label: Alpha
Reference: 151
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
Description: Three instrumental pieces by Corrette and Marais separate three comic cantatas from the period of the Regency and of Louis XV: de la Garde's represents a vain composer conducting the first performance of his new sonata; Grandval's multiple-character setting of a very popular contemporary farce presents a whole series of comic genres from comedy and burlesque to bawd and satire, having some sport with Lullian style withal; Coubois makes great use of misused vocabulary for Quixote and of popular musical styles in his portrait of Sancho Panza. French-English texts. Dominique Visse (countertenor), Café Zimmermann.