Notes for January 2010

Number of items in this month's catalogue: 15

For what may be the first time in Records International's history (certainly the first time since we took over in mid-1997), there is no cover item this month. This is because, as you'll see, there was nothing remotely close to being a cover-quality item. Not that there aren't any out there. There are plenty. But American distributors, for reasons best known to themselves, choose not to offer anything of real value in December and January. Next month, there will be five or six releases which could be on the cover; right now, bupkis, zip, nada...

One distributor has two cover items in their January release. But they have a January 26 street date so it's not really a "January release", is it? Another has a new Sterling release of Eyvind Alnæs' two symphonies but they won't have the CDs in stock until the week of Jan. 4-11, meaning we won't have them for another week after that. So that doesn't work either. There are 8 (count 'em - 8) new Dutton Epochs out there but their distributor chose not to offer them in January either (nor did they offer the Testament issue of Havergal Brian's Gothic symphony, which has been out in England since late November).

This not only ticks you off, it makes things pretty dicey for us too. We live on new releases and not getting enough makes for aggravating and straitened times. A month's worth in this case. Because of this, we are probably going to put the February catalogue up on the aforementioned Jan. 26. Check at a second past midnight on Jan. 25 to make sure. There's going to be a veritable bonanza of great stuff in there. If we can last the 25 days...

Meanwhile we've got a few new Polish imports on Acte Préalable and a handful of titles on a German label, Melisma, which hasn't been available in the States in over ten years. Melisma acquired the rights to several Calig titles when that label went out of business in the late 90s and we offer several of those Joseph Suder titles, as well as some Harald Genzmer discs whose repertoire is otherwise unavailable. There's also a Spohr oratorio (and it's not The Last Judgement).

NOTE: To add insult to injury, the Melisma discs (nos. 12L002-008), which the people in Wiesbaden claimed were sent FedEx on Dec. 18, have not arrived. Where are they? Who knows? Melisma is closed from Dec. 24 to, presumably, Jan. 4. So they aren't telling...

January 2010 Catalogue

Format: DVD
Price: $39.98
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
No Longer Available
Format: CD
Price: $37.98
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
No Longer Available
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
No Longer Available
Format: CD
Price: $11.98
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
Format: CD
EARLE BROWN - A Life in Music, Vol. 2 LUIGI NONO (1924-1990): Polifonica - Monodia - Ritmica for 6 Instruments and Percussion, BRUNO MADERNA (1920-1973): Serenata No. 2 for 11 Instruments (English Chamber Orchestra; Bruno Maderna), LUCIANO BERIO (1925-2003): Différences for 5 Instruments and Tape (Jacques Castagner [flute], Walter Lewis [clarinet], Francis Pierre [harp], Walter Trampler [viola], Seymour Barab [cello], Luciano Berio [conductor]. Original 1961 Time Records LP release.), PETER MAXWELL DAVIES (b.1934): Antechrist for Chamber Ensemble (The Pierrot Players; Peter Maxwell Davies), HARRISON BIRTWISTLE (b.1934): Ring a Dumb Carillon for Soprano, Clarinet in B and Percussion (Mary Thomas [soprano], Alan Hacker [clarinet], Barry Quinn [percussion]), DAVID BEDFORD (b.1937): Come In Here Child for Soprano and Amplified Piano (Jane Manning [soprano], John Tilbury [piano]), RICHARD ORTON (b.1940): Cycle for 2 or 4 Players (Moray Welsh [cello], Richard Orton [piano, percussion]. Original 1970 Mainstream LP release), MORTON FELDMAN (1926-1987): Durations I-IV (Don Hammond [alto flute], Don Butterfield [tuba], David Tudor [piano], Philip Kraus [vibraphone], Matthew Raimondi [violin], David Soyer [cello]), EARLE BROWN (1926-2002): Music for Violin, Cello and Piano, Music for Cello and Piano, Hodograph I for Flute, Piano (Celeste) and Percussion (Raimondi [violin], Soyer [cello], Tudor [piano, celeste], Hammond [flute], Kraus [orchestra bells, vibraphone, marimba]. Original 1962 Time Records LP release.)
Price: $47.98
Format: CD
Price: $17.98
No Longer Available


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