Notes for December 2023

Number of items in this month's catalogue: 0

NOTE. The December catalogue is up. The Naxos website has been down since Friday, so we don’t have all the information we need for the first 15 items. These will now be in the January catalogue. Thanks for your patience!

December 2023 New Arrivals

Format: CD
Rued Langgaard (1893–1952): Songs. Louise McClelland Jacobsen, soprano Kristian Riisager, piano. 1 Hvad lærken sang! (What the Lark Sang!), BVN 35 (Carl Andersen) (1908), Fire sange (Four Songs), BVN 67 (1914), 2 Du blomst i dug (You dew-drenched flower) (J.P. Jacobsen), 3 Alle de voksende skygger (All the deepening shadows) (J.P. Jacobsen), 4 Gammel melodi (Old Melody) (Thor Lange), 5 En sommerklang (A Summer Sound) (Rued Langgaard), Russiske sange (Russian Songs), BVN 126 (Thor Lange) (1916), 6 Intet ly (No Shelter) (Ukraine), 7 Sigøjnervise (Gypsy Song) (Southern Russian), 8 Flugt (Flight) (Ukraine) (rev. 1940s), 9 Mens du kan, kys mildt på mund (While You Still Can, Kiss on the Lips) (Ukraine), 10 Sus ikke for mig (Don’t rustle for me) (Ukraine), 11 Dansemelodi (Dance Tune) (Ukraine) (rev. 1940s), 12 Stakkels, stakkels lille pige (Poor, Poor Young Girl) (Ukraine). 13 Ak, du tid (Ah Time) (Ukraine), Fra Fire sange (From Four Songs), BVN 100 (1915) 14 Vi tænkte slet ikke på nogenting (Our thoughts were simply on nothing at all) (Vilhelm Krag), 15 Min moder (My Mother), BVN 5 (Anon.) (1906), 16 Jeg beder ej om guldets glød (I do not ask for gold’s bright glow), BVN 31 (Chr. K.F. Molbech) (1908), Sommer (Fire sangtonebilleder) (Summer, Four Song Tone Pictures), BVN 139 (Rued Langgaard) (1917) - 17 Byger drager med regn og plask (Swiftly showers pass splashing by), 18 Aftnen svøber sin skumringskåbe (Evening wraps its cloak of twilight) 19 Luften er svalet af torden og regn (The air is cooled by thunder and rain), 20 Solblink, vajende flag (Glinting sun, waving flags), Sange af Jenny Blicher-Clausen (Songs by Jenny Blicher-Clausen), BVN 66 (Jenny Blicher-Clausen) (1914) - 21 Det rinder med dug (The dew is running), 22 Alle de små klokker de ringe i dale (Morgen) (All the small bells they ring in the valleys (Morning)), 23 Du natsværmerdronning fine (You queen moth so fine), 24 Alle de små klokker de ringe i dale (Aften) (All the small bells they ring in the valleys (Evening)), 25 Og det var den mørke blåregn (There was dark wisteria growing). World premiere recordings, except 3–5, 16 and 25
Price: $15.98
Format: CD
Herman D. Koppel (1908-1998) - Composer and Pianist, Vol. 7: Moses, oratorio, Op.76 (1963-64). 
Lone Koppel (soprano), 
Willy Hartmann (tenor) – Narrator, 
Kurt Westi (tenor) – Angel of the Lord, 
Hans Christian Andersen– Abraham, 
Frans Anderssen (bass-baritone) – Moses, 
Gurli Plesner (contralto)– Mirjam, 
Mogens Schmidt Johansen (baritone) – Josua, 
Danish National Radio Choir; DR Symphony Orchestra / Miltiades Caridis. 
rec. 21 October 1965, DR Concert Hall (world premiere). 
Two Songs, Op.75 (1962). Vibeke Kristensen (soprano): Irene Hasager Johansen (piano). Two Songs, Op.108 (1982). Thomas Peter Koppel (tenor): Irene Hasager Johansen (piano). Old Dance (1924). Christina Bjørkøe (piano). 
The Seasons, Op.65 (1957). Jonathan Koppel (tenor): Irene Hasager Johansen (piano). 
50 Short Pieces for the Piano, Op.99 (1977). Christina Bjørkøe (piano): Lone Koppel and Thomas Peter Koppel (speakers). 
Solstice Song (1949). Jonathan Koppel (tenor): Irene Hasager Johansen (piano): Allan Sjølin (guitar). 
From the Album: Poppy Road (1975) - 
The Desert Shepherd. 
Thomas Peter Koppel (tenor): Allan Sjølin (guitar). 
From the Film: Ditte, Child of Man (1946) - 
The Spinning Song. 
Vibeke Kristensen (soprano): Allan Sjølin (guitar). 
From the Play: The Melody that Disappeared
Song about a Man called Larsen. 
Thomas Peter Koppel (tenor): Allan Sjølin (guitar). 
Little Poet Tale (c.1936). 
Thomas Peter Koppel (tenor): Lone Koppel (piano)
Evening Song (1944). 
Vibeke Kristensen (soprano): Irene Hasager Johansen (piano).
Price: $22.98

December 2023 Catalogue


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